Are you suffering with Mask-ne?

I don’t know about you, but since wearing a mask whilst out in public and being back in the salon wearing a mask, my skin has taken a turn for the worse. Just when i’d got it the best it’s been using my Katherine Daniels routine!! 

Mask-ne… also known as acne mechanica, a “man made” skin condition-  not acne in the true sense. 

Wearing a face mask/covering creates an occlusive environment, the air underneath is humid and warm creating an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, fungus and virus as well as the mask causing friction on the skin which could make the skin red & inflamed. If you are susceptible to herpes simplex (cold sores) you may find you are also more prone to these whilst wearing masks/face coverings. 

The skin under a mask/face covering gets hot which leads to perspiration and sweat contains bacteria & oil which mixed with make up, leads to blocked pores and blackheads. 

With all of this going on, your skins barrier will become damaged which can then lead to dryness, dehydration and sensitivity. 

What can you do to help your skin through the day?…

  • Remove masks (when safe!!) as often as possible 
  • Change masks regularly if wearing them for a prolonged time for a fresh mask
  • Avoid wearing heavy makeup whilst wearing a mask 
  • Avoid long wear and ultra wear foundation 

What products would we recommend?…

Step 1 - Cleansing JellyMiracle Cleansing Jelly- £27.00 100ml 

A gentle yet effective cleanser with no added fragrance. This cleanser will help the skin whilst its vunerable.

cleanse systemCleansing & skin rejuvenation system – £55.00

This device used ultra high frequency vibrations to make your cleanse 4 times more effective than manual cleansing. The perfect way to ensure your pores do not become blocked. 

Step 1 - Exfo GelExfoliating Gel- £30.00 75ml

Preventing a build up of dead cells that block the hair follicles. Bacteria “festers” in the pores then leading to spots/blackheads. 

Total Skin Repair Images 2Total skin repair concentrate – £52.00 50ml 

Repairs the skin, reduces inflammation and redness. The go to SOS treatment for all skin types! 

sensitive skinSensitive Skin Rich Cream- £45.00 50ml 

Hydrates, nourishes, calmes and soothes the skin reducing inflammation and keeping the skins barrier intact. 

Step Four GroupRepairing Nourishing/ Smoothing Resurfacing Masks- £30.00 each 75ml 

Depending on how dry your skin is, you will use your mask weekly or bi-weekly. These masks, do exactly as they say on the tin! But, don’t worry, the resurfacing mask is not harsh/ aggressive. Smoothing resurfacing mask has a deep cleansing formulation, infused with Aloe Vera which fights bacteria on the skin. 

The key message?!

Keep your skin clean, strong, hydrated and well functioning! Prevents is always better than the cure!! 

We may not be able to carry out facial treatments at the moment, but we can carry out skin consultations! And so, if you’d like any advise on what to do or what products would help you!… Get in touch 🙂

Kayleigh 🙂