beauty salon in warrington

How important is a consultation to you?..

How important is a consultation to you?…

To us. It is very VERY important!! 

Not just for insurance purposes and to “cover our backs” but so that we can tailor every treatment to YOU!
To find out what your NEEDS and wants are from your treatment, to find out what your hoping your treatment will achieve for you and to ensure you leave feeling that we have cared for you as best we can and knowing your aftercare!

Our consultation process is the first part of your journey whilst visiting us that will allow us to adapt your treatment, advise you on the best treatment, products and action plan and to ensure you and your therapist are on the same wave length.
Every single treatment should be tailored to every individual customer and to do that, we have created our easy consultation forms (nobody wants to be answering a 101 questions!!)

Our consultation process is included into the time your therapist has with you, meaning your actual “treatment” time is not lost!!

So, now, how important is a consultation to you?!